is this how I want to spend my twenties?
alone at a desk
in a cubicle
and dressed in business casual, they said
“don’t dress for the position you’re in, dress for the position you want to be in”
is that supposed to motivate me?
the position I want to be in is
facedown in my bed
screaming into my pillow
not in business casual
because then my mascara would run
instead, I’m expected to be composed
with my dress clothes pressed,
dressed to impress and
good posture at my desk
for posterity
this is a corporation, after all.
and pretend I don’t know that my hiring manager
made a slut-shaming comment
to a former employee
about the clothes I was wearing.
I didn’t know dress pants and a blouse could be so provocative.
and pretend I don’t know that my product manager
has a history of harassing female interns
“I just like talking to you and am not sober”
asking for nudes and explaining his research-
“I’ve been exploring foot fetishes lately and would be interested in anything you know about them, or feet pics.”
and what happens in the scif…
later, while on paternity leave, he reaches out to ask
“what’s going on in your life, boo?”
I mention being elected president of my sorority
“I love a woman with authority.”
they said,
“don’t dress for the position you’re in, dress for the position you want to be in”
what position do they want me to be in?